Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Taxes = Less Fun Than Advertised

I don't get it, when I was a kid, all I wanted was to be a grownup.  Now I'm playing grownup and I have to pay taxes!!  When did this garbage start?!  I'm tired of adulting now, can I get a do-over?

Now I see why my dad was always so crabby in April.  Well at least he had me for a deduction back then.  I always knew I was good for something!

But I digress.... this post is really for the Bookkeepers, CPAs, accountants & other people who handle our taxes for us.  Look peeps, you can't handle long nights & early mornings without recharging.  The staff of Curve Cafe are masters of catering.

We'll deliver, you can pick up, we've got trays, buffets, box lunches and much more.  If you've got something in mind, I am confident that we can take care of you.

Give us a call today and see how we can get your tax defenders fueled up and ready to go!

We're ready to take your call up until 3:00 every day and up until 8 on Fridays.  Let us keep you going strong!

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